Creatively together: Library Creative Commons accord
Wendy Ratcliffe (La Trobe University), Kat Cain (Deakin University), Karen Miller (Curtin University), and Sara Davidsson (CAVAL) –CAUL Digidex Community of Practice
The 2020 shift into fully digital engagement was a ubiquitous experience within the Australian tertiary sector. This wholesale and unavoidable shift spotlighted that equity of access is a critical component for both student and teacher digital participation, with that participation being contingent on supported development of digital capabilities. Prior to the global pandemic, the criticality of digital dexterity build had been identified by the Council of Australian University Libraries (CAUL) who, in collaboration with CAVAL, launched a “Digital Dexterity” Community of Practice (CoP). This 2019 formed group was focused on facilitating CAUL’s digital dexterity mission, with a key part of that work exploring how to share open learning resources, designed to develop the necessary digital skills and knowledge between member institutions. COVID –19 created digital learning challenges gave this work further impetus to find sustainable, operational approach to resource sharing. This lightning talk will provide an overview of the activities of the CoP’s Resource Sharing Working Group, which was formed to collaboratively progress the creation, sharing, and distribution of open and accessible resources across institutions. The group advocated for CAUL’s endorsement of a preferred Creative Commons licensing (of digital dexterity learning resources and objects created by academic libraries) to be promulgated across the member institutions. This work also entailed developing a set of guidelines to assist creators of learning objects to consider a range of issues when making their content available for re-use under a Creative Commons licence. The group is currently investigating options for a repository in which these open resources can easily be shared and accessed. The talk will conclude with some reflections on next steps and how the Community of Practice has been effective in not only achieving practical outcomes but also in providing a supportive environment to raise awareness and share experiences, ideas, knowledge and expertise concerning the open sharing of resources. A tangible example of the growth of OER knowledge within Digital Dexterity champions group has impacted a planned Digital Dexterity seminar in 2021 focused on academic and Library production of OER content.
Wendy Ratcliffe, Coordinator, Co-Curricular Services, La Trobe University
Wendy Ratcliffe has explored various roles within La Trobe University Library, from Collection Delivery team leader to Faculty Librarian. Wendy’s experiences have included fostering engagement between the academic library and local community, developing staff digital capabilities, and coordinating client experience. A focus in Wendy’s work is connecting and supporting people, regardless of project or work area.
Kat Cain, Manager, Digital Literacy Programs, Deakin University
In her current role as a Digital Literacy Programs Manager, Kat Cain explores innovative digital teaching and learning initiatives for the Library division. Kat has a broad background in both academic and public library sectors but with an underpinning work focus on literacies. The other recurrent theme in Kat’s history is an interest in how technologies, people and learning weave together.
Karen Miller, Learning Coordinator, Curtin University Library
Dr Karen Miller is the Learning Coordinator at Curtin University Library. Incorporating a ‘maker’ approach to learning and using both old and new technologies, she develops learning programs, interactive activities and resources designed to develop information and digital literacies. She helped establish the Curtin Library Makerspace and continues to play a role in its activities and development.
Sara Davidsson, Member Services Coordinator, CAVAL
Sara Davidsson’s current role as Member Services Coordinator at CAVAL Ltd., gives her the opportunity to advocate for things that are close to her heart. Professional development for staff, the importance of learning, education and literacy in the academic and wider community, as well as facilitating a welcoming environment for new industry professionals are some examples of what drives Sara. After a couple of career changes, Sara believes that she has found her true match in the library and information industry. Sara is also currently serving as treasurer on the ALIA Community of Resource Description (ACORD). This provides a chance for her to continue to nerd out on all things cataloguing, as this is where she kick-started her library career. Previous studies and volunteer roles also highlight Sara’s interest in languages, history, the environment and animal welfare.
Creatively together: Library Creative Commons accord by Karen Miller, Wendy Ratcliffe, Kat Cain and Sara Davidsson (Curtin University) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.